Bailey water tanks of various sizes and colours

No matter which product line of Bailey tank you're looking at, there are many considerations when looking to buy a tank for water storage. These key product specs, from Bailey, run across all product lines.

Made from an extremely tough but flexible type of plastic called polyethylene, Bailey tanks are extremely strong and long-lasting. Bailey has been in business for over 40 years and they say that they have absolute proof that their tanks can last 40+ years because they've seen it. Their water tanks have a service life of 40+ years and their civil drainage products have a service life of 50+ years.

Even when tanks are ready for replacement, because of the material they are made from, they can be easily recycled and used again, and again.

All of the bins and pipes are made from the same polyethylene plastic. Polyethylene is food grade approved and safe for drinking water. These tanks meet all the required New Zealand and Australian Standards and they have been awarded the AS/NZS4766 compliance certificate for overall high quality of performance and workmanship.

The raw material (polyethylene pellets) that Bailey sources is either from Australia or the USA. The strict regulations in both those countries means that they are absolutely getting unadulterated, virgin material. This is vitally important for tanks storing drinking water.

Bailey tanks won’t rot, crack or rust. Since they’re moulded in one piece, there are no joints or weak points where leaks could occur.

The tanks are UV stabilised to protect them from the sun. In addition, the colour is permanently moulded in, so it will stay looking great.